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Fuel cost shock

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Jerry Folkerts
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Fuel cost shock

Post by Jerry Folkerts » Sun Jun 05, 2022 4:40 am

Yesterday morning I pulled up to the self serve pump. A week ago, it was $6.25 gal. Yesterday, $7.85 gal. Ugh! Time yo rethink a couple plans. We planned a Monday through Friday trip from SW Colorado to Johnson Creek in Idaho. Looking at potential fuel stops and the route, it would cost almost $1300.00 in fuel. Not sure that’s worth it for a few nights camping!!! I plan 14 gal per hr but can get it lower if I slow down. Trade offs. On investigation, it appears the Midwest is still in the $5 range. Mountains west and everything is in the $7 range.
Jerry Folkerts
SW Colorado
SR 2500 #093

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Re: Fuel cost shock

Post by snowyriver » Mon Jun 06, 2022 5:57 am

Wow! We have $6.58 here and I thought that was high. Not that I’ve bought any in a while. Lol. Hopefully I’ll get to feel angry about avgas soon. Haven't flown since Oct ‘19

Two years ago gas prices were “reasonable” and the US was exporting energy. Now the Biden administration has severely crippled energy production in this country and is begging other countries to help us.
Craig Walls
Retired Firefighter
Flying as of September 2011

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Re: Fuel cost shock

Post by Rebelgcbfk » Mon Jun 06, 2022 11:00 am

Well we have £2.20 a Litre and rising here in the UK. It really is a pain, cheers, Peter.

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Re: Fuel cost shock

Post by irishfield » Mon Jun 06, 2022 1:22 pm

Most aerodromes in Ontario are ~ $3cdn/liter.... or $9.34US/US gallon. Bulk off the truck last month I paid almost $5000 to fill my 500 gallon tank, that had about 50 remaining. My bulk cost was $2.79cdn/liter all in.

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Re: Fuel cost shock

Post by irishfield » Mon Jun 06, 2022 1:23 pm

BTW... filled my boat at camp, that I had drained empty the past 3 years to use up the premium in it. 250 liters of ethanol free premium cost me $750 CDN at the marina pump. Welcome to Summer !!!

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Re: Fuel cost shock

Post by Ahewko » Mon Jun 06, 2022 3:16 pm

2 weeks ago I filled 100LL for $1.70/L, yesterday I filled for $$2.35/L. Picked up Shell premium Vmax today before the price increases for $2.02/L. (3.785 L/ US gal).
I'll be flying as much as usual, while trying to find ways to cut costs. Printing money created inflation, restricting oil development and transportation increases demand and prices, so I can't see how the price will ever come back down, that ship has sailed. I think the real inflation number over the last 2 years is 30%, so if you had $1,000 saved two years ago it will now only buy $700 worth of goods. May as well spend it on fuel before it will buy only $300.

Steve Kame
Posts: 51
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Re: Fuel cost shock

Post by Steve Kame » Mon Jun 13, 2022 6:46 pm

Hi All!!! During the 2020 election campaign Biden said that he would cripple the fossil fuel industry to force consumers to go with all solar and windmill generated energy. Trump warned that it would be a disaster not only for the U.S. but for the world to end up with $5 or $6 a gallon gas prices. Trump also warned about rampant inflation resulting in lots of empty shelves at local stores. I don't know if people just don't care to listen to the debates or think that all politicians lie or what, but the (take your pick) Democrats, Socialists, and Communists got their way.

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Re: Fuel cost shock

Post by WWhunter » Tue Jun 14, 2022 5:33 am

Steve, Next time I get to Oregon, we need to meet. You sound like my kind of people! :) My son lives in Grants Pass and we flew up to your area a couple of times last summer. I had heard there was a Rebel there, but didn't see it.

Steve Kame
Posts: 51
Joined: Tue Mar 13, 2012 1:11 pm

Re: Fuel cost shock

Post by Steve Kame » Tue Jun 14, 2022 11:58 pm

Hi WWhunter! Come on up to the great Pacific Northwest!!! Grants Pass is only a hop skip and a jump away from Roseburg, and I'm always glad to meet other Murphy builders and talk about our shared passions! This forum is a wonderful way to meet other builders and increase our shared knowledge about all things be it aviation or whatever else! C-YA! Steve

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