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HR 3708: General Aviation Pilot Protection Act of 2013

General building discussions, not model specific.
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Joined: Mon Feb 20, 2012 5:47 pm
Location: Montrose, Iowa

HR 3708: General Aviation Pilot Protection Act of 2013

Post by tjhickey » Wed Feb 19, 2014 6:25 pm

Many of you (US) builders may have heard something about this proposal. The big organizations (AOPA, EAA) have been strangely quiet about this. The only thing I have read is that the AOPA wants people to wait until the "time is right" to support this bill. The essence of the bill is that a 3rd class medical will not be required for many current pilots. The EAA web site does say:

The proposed legislation would allow pilots to use a valid state driver's license in place of the traditional medical certificate if the flights are:
• Not for compensation
• Conducted in VFR operations only, at or below 14,000 feet MSL
• No faster than 250 knots
• In aircraft with no more than six seats and no more than 6,000 pounds' gross takeoff weight.

I have written my Congressman, and both Senators asking them to support the bill. I will write again when someone tells me the time is right.
I think that anybody who may be favorably affected by this bill should write their Congressman and Senators right now. This just might pass if enough of us get on the word processor and start sending letters. Write early, write often.

You can find the address of your elected representatives on the internet quite easily. Most if not all of them have web sites with contact info there.

Don't wait.

Tim Hickey
Tim Hickey
Montrose, Iowa
319 795-2684

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