Leaking Elite Tank

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Alan Hepburn

Leaking Elite Tank

Post by Alan Hepburn » Sun Feb 19, 2012 11:36 pm

To everybody, and Wayne in particular:

After tolerating a leaky tank for two years, I finally took the left wing
off and brought it home to the basement. I confirmed with a balloon that
there is a detectable leak - the balloon goes flat in 5 minutes or less.
The gas eventually emerges all along the trailing edge, so it looked like
the leak was either in the outboard end of the tank, or the rear bulkhead.
I used an inspection camera (with the lens on a flexible fibre optic
extension) to look inside for gas stains. I could see them aft of the tank,
but not at the outboard end. I couldn't see them well enough to locate the
leak, however. I turned the wing leading edge down and flooded the area of
the back bulkhead (which should be leaktight to a depth of 1/2" or so) and
pressurised the tank again. Sure enough, there are bubbles coming from the
bottom, aft outboard corner.

I am inclined to think that I might be able to get at that location with a
long flexible brush and some thinned Proseal and fix the problem without
cutting holes in the tank. What do you think, guys?

Al Hepburn
Petawawa ON

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